It has been exactly one year…/Hace un año…

WoW, it has been exactly one year since my last post. So much has happened and my relationship with God has grown a lot. The last time I wrote on this blog I had to deal with some hard events in my life and in the church I was attending at that time. My faith has been tested and has grown, friendships have ended or others have been strengthened and I am reminded more and more that only God remains constant, pure, holy and true. I’m back and looking forward to sharing how marvelous God is.

WoW! Hace un año que he escrito en mi blog. Muchas cosas me han pasado y mi relación con Dios ha crecido mucho. La última vez que he escrito, tenía muchos problemas y desafíos  en mi vida personal y en la iglesia donde asistía. He crecido en mi fe, he terminado algunas amistades pero también me he dado cuenta de mis verdaderos amigos. Dios siempre me ha recordado que solo El es constante, puro, santo y fiel. 

Bueno, he regresado y voy a seguir compartiendo con ustedes la maravilla de Dios.

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